After many physical sales training, the sales training of now is finally digital! The long-awaited sales training is now available as a Masterclass via e-learning to interactively teach online sales basic knowledge and more sales skills.
The Masterclass sales training is suitable for anyone who wants to achieve 15% or more conversion, in practice this is usually at least 25%. This training is suitable for starting and experienced sellers and is full of interesting sales methods. In the online sales training you will also learn all aspects of consultative selling, cold calling, lead generation and advisory selling from years of experience.
Through Exercises, practical examples and theory you will learn 8 sales techniques. The user-friendly e-learning is useful for any account manager who wants to gain new knowledge and learn different sales methods.
This masterclass sales training results in an extensive set of skills with which commercial performance is noticeably increased by making appointments more effective, qualitative and easier and selling. Because these sales techniques give you a lot of insight, it also leads to a working method that is very pleasant for all parties.
In this training, extra attention is paid to various practical examples to apply the learned 8 sales techniques in commercial tasks and much more. That makes this online sales training very interesting for internal sales and field sales.
Through the e-learning you will learn 8 different sales techniques through structure and focused on practice to efficiently inventory and close an order. You also learn to build a relationship with your customer by asking the right questions and thereby immediately recognize all sales opportunities. This is also extremely useful in telephone sales.
In addition, you will learn to gain more control and structure over the conversation with your customer and prospect to also clarify that it is more profitable to use your products or services. By creating the right atmosphere in the conversation, you motivate your customer or prospect to make purchases.
You will also discover at what stage your prospect or customer is before making a purchase. You will learn many scientific points as to why your prospect or customer buys from you.
At the end of each sales call, you also learn to obtain difficult, important and decisive information in a spontaneous way. This always gives you a chance to move your prospect or customer towards an actual purchase. This also makes this sales training very effective for acquisition.
Finally, the best e-learning for sales also teaches you the sales skills to really close the assignment, deal, quotation or order with a magical combination of all learned sales techniques in a controlled, advisory and profitable way.
In addition to the 8 sales techniques that you master after the best e-learning for sales, you will also learn the 6 guiding principles of sales, the 10 basics of sales and the 5 steps of advisory selling.
With the masterclass e-learning sales training you will learn secret sales techniques and also many standard components, including;
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Improve your sales skills with our Sales Training Masterclass E-Learning. Designed by Graham Hulsebos. Learn practical strategies and techniques you can apply to increase your sales success. Try our free demo now!
Read: The Game Changer in Sales: Sales Training Masterclass E-Learning